What we use every day but forget to realize is breat


What we use every day but forget to realize is breat


      There are many forms of breathing therapy today, each with their own unique healing method. It draws from oriental practices such as yoga and tai chi, while incorporating Western psychotherapy techniques. to achieve self-awareness, breathing It may include elements of talk therapy, breathing exercises.


      The goal : Breath therapy is to encourage people to become more self-
aware and self-healing. It also helps people work towards improving their
overall mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. The guide guides the . participants through various breathing therapy techniques.


Breathing therapy is helpful for people who suffer from problems such as:

  • Anxiety
  • chronic pain
  • Anger problem
  • Depression 
  • Trauma 
  • Sadness and loss 
  • Emotional Effects of Physical Illness 

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