Health benefits of cannabis


Health benefits of cannabis

Health benefits of cannabis
Relief of chronic pain Cannabinoids have been linked to providing relief of chronic pain due to their chemical makeup.
Improves lung capacity A study found that cannabis actually helps increase the capacity of the lungs rather than cause any harm to it. 
Help lose weight Cannabis is linked to aiding your body in regulating insulin while managing caloric intake efficiently.
Regulate and prevent diabetes Cannabis stabilise blood sugars, lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation.
Fight cancer There is a good amount of evidence that shows cannabinoids can help fight cancer or at least certain types of it.
Helps treat depression The endocannabinoid compounds in cannabis can help in stabilising moods which can ease depression. 
Shows promise in autism treatment 
Regulate seizures There are ongoing studies to determine the effect cannabis has on individuals with epilepsy. 
Mend bones Cannabidiol has been linked to helping heal broken bones, quickening the process, Helps strengthen the bone in the process of healing makes it tougher for the bone to break in the future.
Helps with ADHD/ADD Cannabis has shown promise in promoting focus and helping individuals with ADHD/ADD. 
Treatment for glaucoma Glaucoma leads to additional pressure on the eyeball which is painful for individuals with the disorder. Cannabis can help reduce the pressure applied on the eyeball providing some temporary relief to individuals with glaucoma. 
Alleviate anxiety Cannabis can help alleviate anxiety and calm users down. 
Slow development of Alzheimer’s disease Cannabis’s endocannabinoid contains anti-inflammatories that fight the brain inflammation that leads to Alzheimer’s disease. 
Deal with pain linked to arthritis Cannabis is now commonly found as creams and balms which are used by individuals that have arthritis. Both THC and CBD help sufferers deal with the pain. 
Helps with PTSD symptoms Cannabis helps control the fight or flight response, preventing it from going into overdrive. 
Helps provide relief to individuals with multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis leads to painful muscle contractions and cannabis can help reduce that pain. 
Reduces side effects linked to hepatitis C and increase the effectiveness of treatment  time. 
Treats inflammatory bowel diseases THC and cannabidiol are known to help enhance immune response while also interact with cells that play a vital role in the functioning of the gut. 
Helps with tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease For those that have Parkinson’s disease cannabis can help reduce tremors and pain while also helping promote sleep.  
Helps with alcoholism Another one of the many health benefits of cannabis is that there is no doubt cannabis is much safer than alcohol. While it may not be 100% risk-free, it can be a smarter way to curb alcoholism 

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